DATES: October 29th - 31st, 2024
LOCATION: Okazaki Conference Centre, Okazaki, Japan (Travel & Accommodation)
TOPIC: Image Data Horizons - Global Strategies for Accessible Knowledge
REGISTRATION: Click [HERE] to attend in person (limited capacity) or remotely.

No registration fees are required.


DEADLINE for Registration and Poster Abstract Submission: June 30th, 2024

Join us at #GBI_EoE2024 for practical insights into managing image data effectively, even if you're new to data management. We're dedicated to fostering engaging discussions around strategies to incentivise and optimise data-sharing practices. As an Imaging scientist working in a core facility or enabling access to microscopes, we'll address common challenges and brainstorm solutions to support your work and foster global collaboration.

Throughout the event, we'll cover the basics: acquisition, storing, and sharing. Learn what to keep in mind when acquiring image data, how to set up a basic storage system that can grow with your facility over time, and ensure your data is accessible and shareable, whether you're working with colleagues down the hall or on the other side of the globe.

By showcasing real-world examples and presenting innovative imaging analysis or management tools, we aim to draft strategies towards mitigating challenges and improving solutions towards broader access and inclusivity for both bioimaging and biomedical imaging. As we move towards the last day and into the FoundingGIDE event, we will delve more deeply into the steps that image data scientists, supported by funders, decision-makers, and corporate partners, can and should take to advance towards a Global Image Data Ecosystem (GIDE).

Additionally, this year, we're excited to invite you to SUBMIT an abstract for a poster presentation. Enhance your networking opportunities and boost your exposure to a global audience by showcasing your latest technological advancements, imaging unit, facility, or community-building initiatives in your region. This is your chance to connect, collaborate, and leave a lasting impression on the vibrant landscape of imaging sciences.

Stay tuned for our detailed program, and in the meantime, explore our draft overview to begin your travel arrangements!

The organising Committee:

Advanced BioImaging Support - ABiS

Professor Naoto Ueno - National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)

Dr Shinya Komoto - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)/ National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)

Global BioImaging

Dr Yara Reis - External Relations Manager

The organising committee was supported by a team of experts within the Global BioImaging Image Data Management Working Group co-chaired by:

Dr Shuichi Onami - RIKEN Institute and ABiS

Josh Moore - German BioImaging

SPONSORS: Engage with a global community of Imaging Scientists and Core Facilities! [Submit Sponsorship]